
During December 2011, I experienced 3 gallbladder attacks within a week and a half. Although I don't think my diet was THAT bad before this happened, I decided after the third one to drastically alter my eating habits. So, for at least the next couple of months (until my baby comes), my goal is to seek out and share low-fat, high fiber, and low-sugar recipes. I figured as long as I was figuring things out for myself and my family, I may as well share what's working!

About Me

When I got married several years ago, I was thrilled with the prospect of creating beautiful, nutritious meals on a daily basis for my adoring husband.  (Is anyone else laughing with me?)  Within a few months, the glow was gone and I was exasperated trying to figure out what to fix for dinner every single day.  Adding three kids to the mix has only made meal time more of a challenge for me.  The biggest problem is that I have always loved cooking and trying new things, (within reason), and I just wasn't feeling it anymore.  I enjoy testing my culinary abilities and learning new ways and techniques in the kitchen.  Heading along in my comfortable little rut was not feeding my need to explore.  So, I decided to do something about it. 

As I find new and interesting recipes, I add them to a little "Try It Out" folder on my internet favorites.  And, eventually, they will end up here.  I hope that this little corner of the internet will inspire you to expand beyond your comfort-food zone.  Come cook with me in My Little Red Kitchen!