
During December 2011, I experienced 3 gallbladder attacks within a week and a half. Although I don't think my diet was THAT bad before this happened, I decided after the third one to drastically alter my eating habits. So, for at least the next couple of months (until my baby comes), my goal is to seek out and share low-fat, high fiber, and low-sugar recipes. I figured as long as I was figuring things out for myself and my family, I may as well share what's working!

April 20, 2010


Welcome to My Little Red Kitchen.  I'm excited to start trying new things and sharing them with you!  In the mean time, we're moving and I'm packing lots of boxes.  The good news is that my family still has to eat--so I hope I'll have a chance to try a few new recipes before my kitchen is out of commission!  

I hope you'll come back often to check out what's cookin' in My Little Red Kitchen!